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Welp. It's official. #Redis is no longer #OSS

While I wasn't a contributor to the core, I presented on it dozens of times, talked to thousands, and wrote a book about it.

I probably wouldn't have done any of that with that kind of license.

Very disappointed.

in reply to Kyle Davis

And it’s an excellent demonstration to never take a companies blog assertion that their software will remain under a free license at face value. A blog is not a contract.
in reply to Codepope

@codepope Don't I know it.

I'm having déjà vu from when I had to write this blog post a few years ago.…

in reply to Kyle Davis

So I read this RSAL thingy and this one struck me:
"You may not make the functionality of the Software or a Modified version available to third parties as a service or distribute the Software or a Modified version in a manner that makes the functionality of the Software available to third parties."

So I may not distribute a modified version that makes the software available to 3rd parties.. does this mean that forking redis is illegal???

in reply to ThunderComplex

@ThunderComplex You'd need a law degree to fully understand the parameters in that (and IANAL), but I wouldn't personally fork Redis after the license change.
in reply to Kyle Davis

@Kyle Davis @ThunderComplex And what happens to already-existing forks of Redis, such as KeyDB? Do they become retroactively illegal?

Ironorchid reshared this.

in reply to Carlos Solís

@csolisr @ThunderComplex probably very little seeing that it was forked before the license change.

That’s how #OpenSearch came from Elasticsearch when similar shenanigans were pulled. They are on their own from this point forward.

(I haven’t played with KeyDB, but the other multithreaded Redis clones or forks substantially changed the dynamics of use, so it might not be a drop in replacement)

in reply to Kyle Davis

@Kyle Davis @ThunderComplex From what I read in the documentation, the multithreading in #KeyDB needs to be manually opted in via the configuration file - precisely to make the default installation as much of a drop-in replacement as possible. Hopefully it's still the case!
in reply to Carlos Solís…

"This project will remain with its original licensing.

KeyDB is currently based off Redis 6 primarily because of a lack of features that we needed from 7. However if we have enough time I do want to sync to the last true open source release of Redis."

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in reply to Carlos Solís

@Carlos Solís @Kyle Davis @ThunderComplex No, they received a perpetual BSD license when they first copied the code.

Redis people aren't even trying to insinuate that old versions are affected, they're explicitly saying that releases from now on are available in parallel under RSALv2 and SSPLv1.

in reply to ThunderComplex

@ThunderComplex Yes, it's not Open Source. Source Available means the source code is there for your personal study and enjoyment, but you can't reuse it.

@Kyle Davis

in reply to Kyle Davis

I wonder what Salvatore thinks about this? There's nothing about it on .
#redis #programming
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in reply to Colin Macleod

@CGM he’s here @antirez but we both left active involvement around the same time (2020).
in reply to Kyle Davis

> I do open source stuff for #bottlerocket at AWS…

Redis has been sponsoring the bulk of development alongside a dynamic community of developers eager to contribute. However, the majority of Redis’ commercial sales are channeled through the largest cloud service providers, who commoditize Redis’ investments and its open source community

Oh... you're working for the company causing all the issues...

in reply to Kyle Davis…

Redis has been sponsoring the bulk of development alongside a dynamic community of developers eager to contribute. However, the majority of Redis’ commercial sales are channeled through the largest cloud service providers, who commoditize Redis’ investments and its open source community


Amazon is sucking up all the good will and hard work of open source projects, giving nothing in return, and companies are getting sick of it, no surprises here

in reply to lucasmz ∞

@lucasmz It'sBSD-licenses - can't anyone do whatever they want with it (provided they preserve attribution)?
in reply to lucasmz ∞

@lucasmz ∞ (dual stack) Redis was under a permissive Open Source license that doesn't require recipients of code or binaries to provide it under the same terms to their recipients, it's not Copyleft.

The company received code from contributors under these terms and can do mostly what they like, redistribute derivatives under any terms, they're only required to retain copyright notices.

At a first glance at the PR I'm not sure they even followed that minimal requirement of retaining copyright notices. Some comments are protesting that they didn't.

@Kyle Davis

in reply to Kyle Davis

a downturn in the industry really erased a lot of goodwill but exposed an issue with the business models of opencore/freemium. lots of projects got founded on the basis that they would launch off a foss codebase and “turn on the profit” later on (somehow). Now I’m seeing quite a few scramble to close up their code. I’m not pushing patches anymore, just writing my crappy projects.
in reply to Mosen

@mosen I’m not sure the ‘downturn’ (which, imho, is self imposed) caused this: It started way before.
in reply to Kyle Davis

won't be using #redis in my projects anymore. Memcached is a FOSS, #BSD licensed alternative that's supported by devs from Netflix. Looking to replace redis usage with memcached.
in reply to Kyle Taylor

@kta that might work in some cases but last I checked memcached had a much more limited data model. If it works for you, go for it though.
Unknown parent

@roguefoam @lucasmz like many similar organisations, it appears Redis uses the concept of a contributor license agreement, see:…

This effectively acts as a pre-emptive transfer of control thereby allowing them to change the licence of all such contributed code.

Needless to say there are many and varied opinions about these kinds of grants, especially when projects will not take on any contributions without them.

in reply to Joel P.

@joelp the timing on that is extremely curious considering MS had blog post ready when they announced the change to Redis 🧐
in reply to Kyle Davis

How about "no", CLAassistant?

(From an 2019 doc change PR that never got merged)

in reply to Kyle Davis

just learned about dragonflyDB and keyDB.

I'm not sure of how they differ. any info would help.

#redis #dragonflyDB #keyDB

in reply to Al

@mral Dragonfly uses the BSL, so it's not OSS either. KeyDB is BSD-licensed, which is OSS.
in reply to Kyle Davis

From one of the non-Redis Inc leadership team members before the license change:…

in reply to Kyle Davis

good grief. This is rage inducing. If I had contributed to the redis source I would be very mad.
in reply to Jeremy Stephens

@viking the rage is rightful, IMHO.

Changing the license of a dependency is disruptive to many thousands of people. A lot of people are just burning hours either switching to something else or talking legal counsel to see if these non-open licenses are in anyway acceptable.

Such waste heat.

in reply to Kyle Davis

That was quick.

Linux Foundation launches a continuation of development from #Redis 7.2.4 with the same BSD 3-Clause license.…

in reply to Kyle Davis

looks like Valkey already has lots of backing from big corporations. I have to wonder how good of a business decision it was for Redis to change licenses.
in reply to Kyle Davis

reasons like this is why I'm only releasing new stuff I write under AGPL.

Get that copy_right_ right out of here, thanks.