The species is called the Kin. Basically squats with a new paintjob who live in the galactic core. The Votann are both their first ancestors that left pre-Imerial Earth, and the current Ancestor Core computers that they worship as deities. They are cloned with beneficial stable mutations, resistant to chaos (minimal warp presence), and when they die, they get tossed into the blender where their experience is uploaded into an ancestor core and their biomass is repurposed. They frequently trade with other cultures, and avoid open combat if it would be deemed wasteful.
It was legit shocking to me to see the nascent Geek Dodecatheist neo-pagan movement be co-opted and then basically taken over by the fascists. I followed it from when they were basically tree-huggers, and last time I visited one of their Olumpus gatherings, I was shocked at the amount of fash rhetoric. Lost all interest right there and then.
I read an interesting article about 40K Space Marines last year, the problem with them is that some people just don't get satire no matter how glaringly obvious it is
I really blame the games industry as a whole for this. They keep making games with Space Marines as the protagonists, where their violence is presented as justified, when a lore-friendly space marine game should be like "No Russian" missions all the time and the resulting failure this causes to their Empire. This constant "whitewashing" of the lore, is what has attracted a ton of people.
I would LOVE to see a WH40k setting where the space marines are lore-accurate murdering an entire multi-billion hive-city for some minor heresy by a few thousand of the people on the 925th-sub-basement, and you're playing random ganger Scumface Mc Spikearms who's just trying to survive.
The Line was an anti-shooter, in the sense that it felt like a generic third-person shooter while constantly hammering the “you shouldn’t be having fun playing this because war is awful and full of atrocities” messaging. It was actually a fairly decent critique of the shooters that were prevalent when the game was developed. It came out when games like Gears of War, Resident Evil, Mass Effect, and Red Dead Redemption were dominating the third-person shooter market, while the FPS market was dominated by Halo and COD.
Eh, I feel the message of Spec Ops was really sabotaged by the poor in-game systems.
There's a mission where you have to defend a point, and you get the option to drop white phosphorus. But that mission is really easy, and you can easily play it for hours and hours, killing an infinite number of enemies. It doesn't progress without pushing the button.
And then it berates you, the player, for pushing the button.
This feels really weird to me. I can see the point in the distance, but it really doesn't work for me, since you can obviously just murder people till eternity as well.
And the game has several hidden "better ways", like shooting the rope at the hanging, where it will reward you for doing it better. But it doesn't have that option elsewhere, like the white phosphorus option.
Honestly, there's a big disconnect between some of the scenes, and the heavyhanded message.
Contrast it with "no Russian", which is a map that's offered with zero commentary, letting you shoot unarmed civilians, but not punishing you at all if you don't. And no matter
... Mostrar más
Eh, I feel the message of Spec Ops was really sabotaged by the poor in-game systems.
There's a mission where you have to defend a point, and you get the option to drop white phosphorus. But that mission is really easy, and you can easily play it for hours and hours, killing an infinite number of enemies. It doesn't progress without pushing the button.
And then it berates you, the player, for pushing the button.
This feels really weird to me. I can see the point in the distance, but it really doesn't work for me, since you can obviously just murder people till eternity as well.
And the game has several hidden "better ways", like shooting the rope at the hanging, where it will reward you for doing it better. But it doesn't have that option elsewhere, like the white phosphorus option.
Honestly, there's a big disconnect between some of the scenes, and the heavyhanded message.
Contrast it with "no Russian", which is a map that's offered with zero commentary, letting you shoot unarmed civilians, but not punishing you at all if you don't. And no matter what you do, the end result is the same. That's a system that fits with everything in the game, it doesn't have to swing a message in your face, and it doesn't have to break with normal gameplay to insert elements required for the message.
I have no doubt it's satire, but for me it's always been more of a fun escape into a ridiculous, militarized sci fi fantasy world. I'd never want to genuinely set foot in that world though. Except the sexy coed showers. Booyah!
And while they all need a prosthetic, none of them have one unless it specifically pertains to something that will benefit their military job.
The front desk guy needs 2 legs and an arm, but only has an arm and is in a wheel chair. The arm helps his job stamping new recruits in. The legs serve no purpose but to make his life better, but unnecessary for the job.
Ricos teacher needs an arm, but while he's teaching, he doesn't have one. Once he's back on active duty, he's allowed a prosthetic arm because it helps the Federation. He doesn't require an arm to teach.
If it's not required for your specific position, you don't deserve to be made whole. It's a pretty fucked up society overall, and not nearly enough people understand that the humans aren't the good guys.
Not only are they not the good guys, the military started a fight where none existed in order to justify its existence.
Buenos Aires was 100% a false flag, there's 0 chance bugs in any system other than this one could have, in less than ten thousand years, encountered humanity and started lobbing asteroids at them.
Even if they had the knowledge of where humanity is from, and the ability to target asteroids in order to reroute them, they simply don't have the technology to speed an asteroid enough to be a threat to another planetary system.
The military hauled an asteroid to hit a human population center. 100%.
They knew OF the bugs before then, and although intent seemed clear, I don't believe they were at war before Buenos Aires.
It was definitely the attack that sparked the invasion and made Rico and friends give it 100% since their home was destroyed. Gotta get payback for that.
In hindsight, it makes sense that an edgy series like Rick and Morty was originally written by a serial harasser. And people insist on separating the art from the artist, now THAT is a red flag for me
::: spoiler Tap for spoiler I really liked that after uncle slows death, they had this scene from his wife that shows the value in moving on. Not that she didn't care and love him - in fact you still see his picture at the end. It's such a good foil to how Rick approached things. They're happy too. :::
People who like American Psycho because it is a brilliant satire of the sociopathy of the elite.
People who like American Psycho because 'I'm just like Patrick Bateman, fr fr.'
Its the same with Fight Club, Falling Down, Taxi Driver...
Its possible to enjoy and be a fan of these movies without actually idolizing a psycopath... maybe you sympathize or empathize with them to varying degrees, but you don't hold them up as idealized character role models, you realize these are all very flawed, often tragic characters who ... basically become villains in (semi?) plausible ways, that showcase how brutal and broken society is...
But, so many people do actually idolize these trainwreck characters that now we've spent basically the entire era of internet based cultural dominance/exchange where any kind of admiration of these 'cautionary morality tale about a disaffected man' type movies is just immediately, often instantly viewed as a red flag by a whole lot of people.
American Psycho satirization of the cold and unfeeling aspects of 1980’s yuppie culture. Bateman might have hallucinated the entire thing and Paul Owen really could have been in London given how frequently Bateman is mistaken for another person by colleagues. It’s not about the sociopathy of the rich.
I mean... your plot notes are on point... but 'yuppie' derives from 'YUP', which means 'Young Urban Professional'.
At the time, the 80s and 90s, yuppie was synonymous with ... the people making huge incomes in white collar jobs, in large corporations, by being cutthroat businessmen, usually earning their keep by orchestrating deals, layoffs, mergers, downsizing/rightsizing, etc... stuff that was good for the shareholders and execs, but bad for pretty much everyone else.
Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are saying?
I don't see how you think yuppie culture and sociopathy of the rich... are any different, I don't get why you are drawing a distinction there, or what the boundary is.
Yuppie culture is sociopathic, and the young rich people of the era ... were largely yuppies.
Bateman is a yuppie, he is a rich person, and he is a violent sociopath/psycopath... or at least, he seems to think he is... he may just be utterly delusional.
The way I see it is ... he is a hollow person, a husk, with no actual values, but is a b
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I mean... your plot notes are on point... but 'yuppie' derives from 'YUP', which means 'Young Urban Professional'.
At the time, the 80s and 90s, yuppie was synonymous with ... the people making huge incomes in white collar jobs, in large corporations, by being cutthroat businessmen, usually earning their keep by orchestrating deals, layoffs, mergers, downsizing/rightsizing, etc... stuff that was good for the shareholders and execs, but bad for pretty much everyone else.
Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are saying?
I don't see how you think yuppie culture and sociopathy of the rich... are any different, I don't get why you are drawing a distinction there, or what the boundary is.
Yuppie culture is sociopathic, and the young rich people of the era ... were largely yuppies.
Bateman is a yuppie, he is a rich person, and he is a violent sociopath/psycopath... or at least, he seems to think he is... he may just be utterly delusional.
The way I see it is ... he is a hollow person, a husk, with no actual values, but is a brilliant actor, acting out the fake corporate/socialite norms... which are fundamentally built on a kind of sociopathy: Nothing matters other than the pursuit of profit and status, superiority in all aspects is the goal, any means to achieve this are justified.
Thus he is the uber yuppie, the ur yuppie, the 'perfect' yuppie... and he cannot maintain sanity as a 'perfect' yuppie.
When Bateman snaps, we're seeing the violence that is normally done indirectly, sanitized through the layers of corporate governance and influence upon government and society as a whole... all of the complications of politics and economics are removed, and we see a disintermediated, rich corporate mad man in a suit (or his birthday suit) just directly doing the violence that is normally obfuscated and done via societal systems and layers of bureacracy.
You show the truth with a lie, kind of idea.
Maybe a more succinct way of saying what I'm trying to say:
Yuppie culture was the culture of the rich, or at least a prominent subculture of a prominent subset of the rich, in the 80s and 90s. Bateman is basically a cariacature of this, thus the movie is a character study of a person who represents an entire class... of wealthy people. (We also get to just see the culture outright via Bateman's interactions with others in that culture)
People who follow those “wellness” influencers who sell random supplements and shit and basically make up all sorts of shit as if it’s medical knowledge.
Those people tend to be super ableist and anti-disabled. As a disabled person whenever you interact with that sort of person they always lecture you about “not trying hard enough” to find a treatment and recommend you expensive magic powders.
These same kind of people mistreat their disabled kids, refuse to vaccinate, that kind of bs.
No.. I'm not. Mostly Ace Fastener. The Scout, the Pilot, a long reach Pilot, an Aceliner. I have a Bostitch from the 20's, back when it was still Boston Wire Stitching. One cool one is the Bates Model B, which is a wire feed stapler. It has a spool of wire, and it will feed it, cut it, bend it, and staple. All in one push.
Pretty boring, huh?
I actually have way more calculators than stapler. I'm a dull guy. Here are some of my favorites there.
It's powerful, for sure. The only reason I bought it, though, was for calc 3. Most of the time, I prefer the TI-86. Custom menus that are one button away, a great unit convertor that is two buttons. Super easy to program for. And, it just looks good.
I've just been using 89s since I was in middle school. Always liked them. Always kept with them. My main calculator is a 20 year old 89 Titanium. Those things are built like tanks.
Though it may be a bit of a ship of Theseus. I've replaced the cover and battery cover 2-3 times, and I even replaced the tiny backup battery cover once.
I do home canning and a fair deal of baking. There's a lot of trad bullshit around this that makes me just go "I'm canning cause I love me some candied jalapeños, not because my husband demands I do"
As someone outside the fandom looking in it seems like the entire 40K franchise revolves around the Space Marines, with the other factions taking a supporting role at best.
Lemmy collected German military regalia; he had an Iron Cross emblazoned on his bass, which led to accusations of Nazi sympathies. He stated that he collected Nazi memorabilia because he liked the way it looked, and he considered himself an anarchist. He spoke against racism many times. Lemmy said he was against religion, government, and established authority. In 2011, he identified as agnostic, saying: "I can find out when I die. I can wait. I'm not in a hurry." Jeff Hanneman, the founder of the thrash metal band Slayer, befriended Lemmy due to their shared fondness for collecting Nazi memorabilia. According to Keith Emerson's autobiography, Pictures of an Exhibitionist (2004), Lemmy gave him two of his Hitler Youth knives during his time as a roadie for the Nice. Emerson used these knives many times as keyholders when playing the Hammond organ during concerts with the Nice and Emerson,
Lemmy collected German military regalia; he had an Iron Cross emblazoned on his bass, which led to accusations of Nazi sympathies. He stated that he collected Nazi memorabilia because he liked the way it looked, and he considered himself an anarchist. He spoke against racism many times. Lemmy said he was against religion, government, and established authority. In 2011, he identified as agnostic, saying: "I can find out when I die. I can wait. I'm not in a hurry." Jeff Hanneman, the founder of the thrash metal band Slayer, befriended Lemmy due to their shared fondness for collecting Nazi memorabilia. According to Keith Emerson's autobiography, Pictures of an Exhibitionist (2004), Lemmy gave him two of his Hitler Youth knives during his time as a roadie for the Nice. Emerson used these knives many times as keyholders when playing the Hammond organ during concerts with the Nice and Emerson, Lake & Palmer before destroying them. Lemmy defended his collection by saying that if his then-girlfriend (who was black) had no problem with it, nobody else should.
I legit think Stellaris is the best game if you want to roleplay inside 4X strategy. Which is why it's of course worrying if someone keeps making fashy races :)
A long time ago, when I was a teenager and the first HoI was out, I was only playing Germany. Mostly because it was the only powerful country which felt somewhat manageable without wanting to cry in the convoy screen...
Last group I joined had 'interviews' and it still didn't keep that one guy out... because an exception was made for a friend. One friend, and the whole group fell apart about a year in when he started doing racist caricatures. It's downright infuriating how common it is that just one exception does it in.
Think they must've confused amon amarth with the boobie streamer amouranth or whatever. Remember reading about how someone broke into her house... But apparently the stories don't match up and people were saying she did it for attention.
Yeah that thing that was in the news last week is such an old obscure reference, might as well have said 23 skidoo and asked if you've heard that Minnie is in the money, you're right lol.
I'm not offended (I probably should be, but), I'm just sad that the state of the world is such that Amon Amarth-to-Amouranth is immediately labeled idiocy rather than wordplay which at one time was widely understood to be a form of what used to be known as "a joke."
Again, nobody labeled you anything. Or if I did, it was confused. At most that means benign stuff such as "misunderstanding" or "auto-correct" or whatever. But that was more a manner of speaking because I simply didn't put that much thought into why you said what you said because it didn't really matter. I just wanted to answer that person's question.
As someone who casually enjoys 40K, it has a tendency to attract some of the most rancid people. OSR has this problem too sometimes, but its not nearly as bad as 40k. And the general RC hobby. Part of the reason i don't fly fpv drones as much as I'd like too, can't stand the chuds at the airfield I've never met a more unhappy group of people, and they don't even fly anything there either!
Weightlifters seem to hove about similar parts make up very kind people who just want others to succeed and people who listen to Joe rogan and Jordan Peterson.
Viking depends in where you are. In my country, Norway, viking iconography is a pink flag. Yeah we have dipshit Nazis who use it, but it's fairly main stream. Viking rock is a little sus, but not necessarily as sus as elsewhere.
I've been collecting comics off and on since I was a pre-teen in the early 90's. I think I had less than 100 books up until about 2013 when I got back into collecting comics. I fell out of the hobby for about 4 more years and got back into it pretty hardcore in 2017 or so and have been pretty consistently involved since then. During the pandemic I learned that there was an entire community of comic collectors on YouTube that made videos about collecting. It was pretty great at first, but over time, I started to realize that a lot of them leaned right. Then more time passed and I realized it was more than a lean. After the most recent election, a lot of YouTube comic book videos became overtly political in support of this shit we're currently enduring. The people that lean left don't seem to say anything against it, and so I felt pretty isolated. I no longer watch YouTube comic videos, but I still collect comics. I just do it as a solo hobby once again.
Conversation on almost any subject can turn into a political screening test. I supposed that's always been true to some extent, but the difference today is that when someone detects wrong thinking, instead of just taking in the idea that you might not agree with them 100% on everything, they stick a tail on you and put a pitchfork in your hand and you irrevocably become Satan.
Yeah my issue is that people tend to decide they know enough to define reality, even in areas where most of their expertise comes from memes. A lot of "opinions" come down to just wanting stuff to be true.
Man, I was really invested in that in like 2016 but in 2018 was the election of Bolsonaro. Some time before, during the election and until now every fucking content creator or community around this hobby became a cesspool of right wing dickheads worshipping this fascist.
As someone from a small town in the pacific northwest, it feels like they always have been. It was just a case of the quiet part not being said out loud or them masking it enough those with lower exposure didn't see it.
I drive a pickup, grew up hunting and fishing and I'm tall, pretty thick, tattooed all to hell and bearded... the amount of "hell yeah brother" followed by some vial, racist, homo/transphobic shit I have said to me is staggering. The moment of pushback has become a high for me. I'm almost baiting them from a conversation about tree stands and elk piss formulas into some fucked statement about trans athlete's just too feel something.
That said, it isn't all of us so I don't want to gate keep survivalism and general outdoorsiness. Always willing to teach a flytie, how to dig a shit hole and the easiest way to catch water with a tarp.
I remember when survivalists were predominately hippie types who feared a right-wing generated apocalypse - like corporatism collapsing the economy, or warmongers starting WW3. The back-to-nature ones learned self-sufficient organic farming, the tech ones bought nitrogen-filled plastic bins of grain, and they all grew weed. Then when rednecks joined the club it became more about homemade ammunition and defending the perimeter.
I clearly relate more to this first batch than the second one but for me it is about being able to survive in Nature no matter why. I do not fear a right-wing apocalypse either, I only want to survive no matter what happens.
Good luck with surviving no matter what happens. Most of us are highly dependent on services we take for granted - reliable electricity and water, stores stocked with food, open roads, a monetary system, communications, nearby doctors, firefighters, police, etc. As in, "What have the Romans ever done for us?"
Bushcrafting content has a fine line when it pushes over into doomsday prepper. I can get the ideas of having a bit of food/water stocked up for a normal emergency. But if you are preparing industrial quantities of things to survive for years in a bunker you should seek help.
The first learns and practices actual useful skills -- gardening, food preservation, repairing their own things, etc. The later are dorks buying a ton of unnecessary shit shilled by right-wing influencers cosplaying as "entirely self-sufficient".
Linux community is exact opposite no? Like conservatives had to make their own distro at some point because "there are too many trans people on github"
Whenever some city dweller says they like to go fishing, I immediately think "He's a right winger AND uses fishing as an excuse to cheat on his wife" - this seems to be the case often down here in Brazil
Oh, so you're one of the GOOD ones who enjoy torturing and killing animals with your bare hands. I imagine that is a vanishingly small minority, eh?????? EH?????
World of Tanks huh? And Hearts of Iron, I see... In my observation - 30% they a nazi, 50% a commie and 20% just casually enjoy these games. And by nazi and commie, I mean what that word meant in 1940.
All European culture? I don't know, all I know is I cringe whenever white people talk about ancestry even when it's innocent. Like it or not mine is the face of fascism no mater what.
I own guns. I love my guns. But I'm not weird about it, I'm all about responsible gun ownership, I don't have an entire armory, and I ESPECIALLY don't open carry.
Ammosexuals give the rest of gun enthusiasts a very bad name.
Guns get treated like fashion accessories and articles of declared personal identity. They’re equally treated with disregard like a pair of earrings you throw in the cupholder of the car or leave on the kitchen counter at home.
A radical change from when I was a kid 40 years ago. Gun nuts were nuts and viewed as such. Look at action movies from the ‘80s. If someone had a shitload of guns he was usually crazy.
Never felt that for the Civil War but WW2 history has a shameful stigma as well. I'm just here for the unfathomable high-water mark of human achievement, ingenuity, and international cooperation. Salivate over goose-stepping fascists somewhere else.
History is kind of the opposite. When someone says they like history I'll get excited and ask what period is their favorite. If they say "Romans" without any qualifiers like Early Republic or Late Eastern Empire, I get a bad feeling and they usually follow up with "and WWII"
Outside of modern history I think my interest is more into technology and way of living than about governments and cultures though. Like what tools did they use, what did they eat, what sort of alcohol did they drink. How did they make it, can I have a recipe.
Yup, same here. I don't give a fuck about the heroic deeds of X king, or which country fought who. I'm really interested in how people lived and got by. I'm interested in war history too, but I'm interested in the experiences of the people who had to fight in those wars and the civilians who survived them, not in the actions of X nations.
To be honest dark elves are either bloodthirsty capitalists, bigoted isolationists, conservative acolytes or all of the above. What a wonderful people ❤... ekhm of course, how outrageous
Does programming count as a hobby? I waste my free time on it... There's this funny stereotype, of a queer programmer with long, quirky socks, and maybe even a fursona. Despite being a small percentage, such types are often overrepresented online. It used to bother me a little.
Nowadays I'm so, so glad when someone I'm talking to is part of that group. It usually means I don't need to worry about them being weirdly sexist, like women don't suffer enough in STEM already, or insisting that we need to keep politics out of tech (i.e. they want their politics to rule, unquestioned).
(Need something more tangible? Look no further than uncle bob (skip to the bottom). I've seen his books in classrooms, in the office, and let's not speak of online mentions. Imagine how many respect him, yet have no idea how screwed up he is.)
Silly feelings on my part? Perhaps. One less thing to worry about, though.
in reply to compostgoblin • • •Skua
in reply to NONE • • •Space clowns baybeeeeee
(I kinda like the grey knights too, but I am firmly in the camp of "every 40k faction except maybe the tau is evil and that's how it should be")
in reply to NONE • • •Predalien
in reply to db0 • • •db0
in reply to Predalien • • •Protoknuckles
in reply to db0 • • •db0
in reply to Protoknuckles • • •rtxn
in reply to db0 • • •Korhaka
in reply to db0 • • •db0
in reply to compostgoblin • • •smeg
in reply to compostgoblin • • •db0
in reply to smeg • • •Tar_Alcaran
in reply to db0 • • •PM_Your_Nudes_Please
in reply to Tar_Alcaran • • •So a WH40K/Spec-Ops: The Line mashup.
The Line was an anti-shooter, in the sense that it felt like a generic third-person shooter while constantly hammering the “you shouldn’t be having fun playing this because war is awful and full of atrocities” messaging. It was actually a fairly decent critique of the shooters that were prevalent when the game was developed. It came out when games like Gears of War, Resident Evil, Mass Effect, and Red Dead Redemption were dominating the third-person shooter market, while the FPS market was dominated by Halo and COD.
in reply to PM_Your_Nudes_Please • • •Eh, I feel the message of Spec Ops was really sabotaged by the poor in-game systems.
There's a mission where you have to defend a point, and you get the option to drop white phosphorus. But that mission is really easy, and you can easily play it for hours and hours, killing an infinite number of enemies. It doesn't progress without pushing the button.
And then it berates you, the player, for pushing the button.
This feels really weird to me. I can see the point in the distance, but it really doesn't work for me, since you can obviously just murder people till eternity as well.
And the game has several hidden "better ways", like shooting the rope at the hanging, where it will reward you for doing it better. But it doesn't have that option elsewhere, like the white phosphorus option.
Honestly, there's a big disconnect between some of the scenes, and the heavyhanded message.
Contrast it with "no Russian", which is a map that's offered with zero commentary, letting you shoot unarmed civilians, but not punishing you at all if you don't. And no matter
... Mostrar másEh, I feel the message of Spec Ops was really sabotaged by the poor in-game systems.
There's a mission where you have to defend a point, and you get the option to drop white phosphorus. But that mission is really easy, and you can easily play it for hours and hours, killing an infinite number of enemies. It doesn't progress without pushing the button.
And then it berates you, the player, for pushing the button.
This feels really weird to me. I can see the point in the distance, but it really doesn't work for me, since you can obviously just murder people till eternity as well.
And the game has several hidden "better ways", like shooting the rope at the hanging, where it will reward you for doing it better. But it doesn't have that option elsewhere, like the white phosphorus option.
Honestly, there's a big disconnect between some of the scenes, and the heavyhanded message.
Contrast it with "no Russian", which is a map that's offered with zero commentary, letting you shoot unarmed civilians, but not punishing you at all if you don't. And no matter what you do, the end result is the same. That's a system that fits with everything in the game, it doesn't have to swing a message in your face, and it doesn't have to break with normal gameplay to insert elements required for the message.
in reply to Tar_Alcaran • • •gibmiser
in reply to smeg • • •hmonkey
in reply to gibmiser • • •Miles O'Brien
in reply to gibmiser • • •My dad legitimately thinks that's a great action movie. And to be fair, it is.
But he doesn't understand the deeper meanings.
More meat for the grinder is totally just a bad ass thing to say! Not at all like an orphan crushing machine, for sure.
in reply to Miles O'Brien • • •Miles O'Brien
in reply to taladar • • •All the teachers are injured and in need of prosthetics and assisting devices, all of them served.
As Rico's dad said, it should be illegal to use schools as recruiting centers.
Dr. Zoidberg
in reply to Miles O'Brien • • •And while they all need a prosthetic, none of them have one unless it specifically pertains to something that will benefit their military job.
The front desk guy needs 2 legs and an arm, but only has an arm and is in a wheel chair. The arm helps his job stamping new recruits in. The legs serve no purpose but to make his life better, but unnecessary for the job.
Ricos teacher needs an arm, but while he's teaching, he doesn't have one. Once he's back on active duty, he's allowed a prosthetic arm because it helps the Federation. He doesn't require an arm to teach.
If it's not required for your specific position, you don't deserve to be made whole. It's a pretty fucked up society overall, and not nearly enough people understand that the humans aren't the good guys.
Miles O'Brien
in reply to Dr. Zoidberg • • •Not only are they not the good guys, the military started a fight where none existed in order to justify its existence.
Buenos Aires was 100% a false flag, there's 0 chance bugs in any system other than this one could have, in less than ten thousand years, encountered humanity and started lobbing asteroids at them.
Even if they had the knowledge of where humanity is from, and the ability to target asteroids in order to reroute them, they simply don't have the technology to speed an asteroid enough to be a threat to another planetary system.
The military hauled an asteroid to hit a human population center. 100%.
in reply to Miles O'Brien • • •Miles O'Brien
in reply to RowRowRowYourBot • • •They knew OF the bugs before then, and although intent seemed clear, I don't believe they were at war before Buenos Aires.
It was definitely the attack that sparked the invasion and made Rico and friends give it 100% since their home was destroyed. Gotta get payback for that.
in reply to compostgoblin • • •People who like Rick and Morty.
People who look up to Rick.
like this
Carlos Solís likes this.
in reply to papertowels • • •Rick and Morty bangs and had some subtle anti-capitalist elements to it.
But yeah Rick is a nihilist with severe empathy problems. Although he is showing some very minor character development.
Carlos Solís
in reply to papertowels • •ThrowawayPermanente
in reply to papertowels • • •papertowels
in reply to ThrowawayPermanente • • •Season 7 spoilers
::: spoiler Tap for spoiler
I really liked that after uncle slows death, they had this scene from his wife that shows the value in moving on. Not that she didn't care and love him - in fact you still see his picture at the end. It's such a good foil to how Rick approached things. They're happy too.
Rick and Morty After Uncle slow's Death
in reply to papertowels • • •People who like American Psycho because it is a brilliant satire of the sociopathy of the elite.
People who like American Psycho because 'I'm just like Patrick Bateman, fr fr.'
Its the same with Fight Club, Falling Down, Taxi Driver...
Its possible to enjoy and be a fan of these movies without actually idolizing a psycopath... maybe you sympathize or empathize with them to varying degrees, but you don't hold them up as idealized character role models, you realize these are all very flawed, often tragic characters who ... basically become villains in (semi?) plausible ways, that showcase how brutal and broken society is...
But, so many people do actually idolize these trainwreck characters that now we've spent basically the entire era of internet based cultural dominance/exchange where any kind of admiration of these 'cautionary morality tale about a disaffected man' type movies is just immediately, often instantly viewed as a red flag by a whole lot of people.
in reply to sp3ctr4l • • •sp3ctr4l
in reply to RowRowRowYourBot • • •I mean... your plot notes are on point... but 'yuppie' derives from 'YUP', which means 'Young Urban Professional'.
At the time, the 80s and 90s, yuppie was synonymous with ... the people making huge incomes in white collar jobs, in large corporations, by being cutthroat businessmen, usually earning their keep by orchestrating deals, layoffs, mergers, downsizing/rightsizing, etc... stuff that was good for the shareholders and execs, but bad for pretty much everyone else.
Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are saying?
I don't see how you think yuppie culture and sociopathy of the rich... are any different, I don't get why you are drawing a distinction there, or what the boundary is.
Yuppie culture is sociopathic, and the young rich people of the era ... were largely yuppies.
Bateman is a yuppie, he is a rich person, and he is a violent sociopath/psycopath... or at least, he seems to think he is... he may just be utterly delusional.
The way I see it is ... he is a hollow person, a husk, with no actual values, but is a b
... Mostrar másI mean... your plot notes are on point... but 'yuppie' derives from 'YUP', which means 'Young Urban Professional'.
At the time, the 80s and 90s, yuppie was synonymous with ... the people making huge incomes in white collar jobs, in large corporations, by being cutthroat businessmen, usually earning their keep by orchestrating deals, layoffs, mergers, downsizing/rightsizing, etc... stuff that was good for the shareholders and execs, but bad for pretty much everyone else.
Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are saying?
I don't see how you think yuppie culture and sociopathy of the rich... are any different, I don't get why you are drawing a distinction there, or what the boundary is.
Yuppie culture is sociopathic, and the young rich people of the era ... were largely yuppies.
Bateman is a yuppie, he is a rich person, and he is a violent sociopath/psycopath... or at least, he seems to think he is... he may just be utterly delusional.
The way I see it is ... he is a hollow person, a husk, with no actual values, but is a brilliant actor, acting out the fake corporate/socialite norms... which are fundamentally built on a kind of sociopathy: Nothing matters other than the pursuit of profit and status, superiority in all aspects is the goal, any means to achieve this are justified.
Thus he is the uber yuppie, the ur yuppie, the 'perfect' yuppie... and he cannot maintain sanity as a 'perfect' yuppie.
When Bateman snaps, we're seeing the violence that is normally done indirectly, sanitized through the layers of corporate governance and influence upon government and society as a whole... all of the complications of politics and economics are removed, and we see a disintermediated, rich corporate mad man in a suit (or his birthday suit) just directly doing the violence that is normally obfuscated and done via societal systems and layers of bureacracy.
You show the truth with a lie, kind of idea.
Maybe a more succinct way of saying what I'm trying to say:
Yuppie culture was the culture of the rich, or at least a prominent subculture of a prominent subset of the rich, in the 80s and 90s. Bateman is basically a cariacature of this, thus the movie is a character study of a person who represents an entire class... of wealthy people. (We also get to just see the culture outright via Bateman's interactions with others in that culture)
in reply to compostgoblin • • •People who follow those “wellness” influencers who sell random supplements and shit and basically make up all sorts of shit as if it’s medical knowledge.
Those people tend to be super ableist and anti-disabled. As a disabled person whenever you interact with that sort of person they always lecture you about “not trying hard enough” to find a treatment and recommend you expensive magic powders.
These same kind of people mistreat their disabled kids, refuse to vaccinate, that kind of bs.
in reply to compostgoblin • • •BoxOfFeet
in reply to Frostbeard • • •Retropunk64
in reply to BoxOfFeet • • •BoxOfFeet
in reply to Retropunk64 • • •No.. I'm not. Mostly Ace Fastener. The Scout, the Pilot, a long reach Pilot, an Aceliner. I have a Bostitch from the 20's, back when it was still Boston Wire Stitching. One cool one is the Bates Model B, which is a wire feed stapler. It has a spool of wire, and it will feed it, cut it, bend it, and staple. All in one push.
Pretty boring, huh?
I actually have way more calculators than stapler. I'm a dull guy. Here are some of my favorites there.
in reply to BoxOfFeet • • •I genuinely think this is neat. That Bates Model B sounds cool, I've never heard of a wire feed stapler before now, do you have a pic of it?
ETA: this is a green flag collection btw
in reply to BoxOfFeet • • •WoodScientist
in reply to BoxOfFeet • • •BoxOfFeet
in reply to WoodScientist • • •It's powerful, for sure. The only reason I bought it, though, was for calc 3. Most of the time, I prefer the TI-86. Custom menus that are one button away, a great unit convertor that is two buttons. Super easy to program for. And, it just looks good.
I also really like the Casio FX-9750GIII.
in reply to BoxOfFeet • • •I've just been using 89s since I was in middle school. Always liked them. Always kept with them. My main calculator is a 20 year old 89 Titanium. Those things are built like tanks.
Though it may be a bit of a ship of Theseus. I've replaced the cover and battery cover 2-3 times, and I even replaced the tiny backup battery cover once.
in reply to Frostbeard • • •I dislike this.
(Edit: I downvoted, but I felt that wasn't enough.)
in reply to compostgoblin • • •qevlarr
in reply to compostgoblin • • •TassieTosser
in reply to qevlarr • • •WhiskyTangoFoxtrot
in reply to TassieTosser • • •rtxn
in reply to compostgoblin • • •Since we're on Lemmy and all:
... Mostrar másSince we're on Lemmy and all:
British rock musician (1945–2015)
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)/home/pineapplelover
in reply to rtxn • • •rtxn
in reply to /home/pineapplelover • • •glimse
in reply to compostgoblin • • •db0
in reply to glimse • • •Stellaris > Extreme Xenophobic
in reply to db0 • • •db0
in reply to glimse • • •Console_Modder
in reply to glimse • • •"Yeah, I'm a big fan of Hearts of Iron!"
in reply to Console_Modder • • •"I'm currently playing through [single player game]"
Ah ok, we're probably good
in reply to glimse • • •AllHailZorglub
in reply to DragonTypeWyvern • • •Anamnesis
in reply to compostgoblin • • •LH0ezVT
in reply to Anamnesis • • •So much this.
I found pure sports shooting a bit better, because people either are there for the sport or feel bound by fair play, at least most of the time
in reply to compostgoblin • • •GoodLuckToFriends
in reply to Infynis • • •southsamurai
in reply to compostgoblin • • •\m/
Amon Amarth ftmfw!
in reply to southsamurai • • •frog_brawler
in reply to ArcaneSlime • • •Huh?
in reply to frog_brawler • • •ArcaneSlime
in reply to nyctre • • •Yes, confused, nobody could possibly be smart enough to use two similar names as a funny play on words, I must be completely stupid.
(I think I have to put the /s here, such a sad world in which we live.)
in reply to ArcaneSlime • • •Meh.. I did consider that. But it seemed like too obscure a reference and well.. at least now they understand the joke.
Also, it wasn't anything malicious, sorry that you got offended. It just didn't read that much into it and simply answered the question.
in reply to nyctre • • •Yeah that thing that was in the news last week is such an old obscure reference, might as well have said 23 skidoo and asked if you've heard that Minnie is in the money, you're right lol.
I'm not offended (I probably should be, but), I'm just sad that the state of the world is such that Amon Amarth-to-Amouranth is immediately labeled idiocy rather than wordplay which at one time was widely understood to be a form of what used to be known as "a joke."
in reply to ArcaneSlime • • •ArcaneSlime
in reply to nyctre • • •twocupsofsugar
in reply to compostgoblin • • •Echolynx
in reply to compostgoblin • • •JustEnoughDucks
in reply to compostgoblin • • •Frostbeard
in reply to compostgoblin • • •frog_brawler
in reply to compostgoblin • • •LovableSidekick
in reply to compostgoblin • • •IMongoose
in reply to LovableSidekick • • •LovableSidekick
in reply to IMongoose • • •Jerkface (any/all)
in reply to compostgoblin • • •deeferg
in reply to Jerkface (any/all) • • •Jerkface (any/all)
in reply to deeferg • • •images of surface features of a stone on paper
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)CryptoKitten
in reply to compostgoblin • • •ZeroHora
in reply to CryptoKitten • • •vulgarcynic
in reply to ZeroHora • • •As someone from a small town in the pacific northwest, it feels like they always have been. It was just a case of the quiet part not being said out loud or them masking it enough those with lower exposure didn't see it.
I drive a pickup, grew up hunting and fishing and I'm tall, pretty thick, tattooed all to hell and bearded... the amount of "hell yeah brother" followed by some vial, racist, homo/transphobic shit I have said to me is staggering. The moment of pushback has become a high for me. I'm almost baiting them from a conversation about tree stands and elk piss formulas into some fucked statement about trans athlete's just too feel something.
That said, it isn't all of us so I don't want to gate keep survivalism and general outdoorsiness. Always willing to teach a flytie, how to dig a shit hole and the easiest way to catch water with a tarp.
in reply to CryptoKitten • • •TrackinDaKraken
in reply to LovableSidekick • • •CryptoKitten
in reply to LovableSidekick • • •LovableSidekick
in reply to CryptoKitten • • •Korhaka
in reply to CryptoKitten • • •oatscoop
in reply to Korhaka • • •"prepper" vs "Prepper" with a capital "P".
The first learns and practices actual useful skills -- gardening, food preservation, repairing their own things, etc. The later are dorks buying a ton of unnecessary shit shilled by right-wing influencers cosplaying as "entirely self-sufficient".
in reply to compostgoblin • • •Jankatarch
in reply to psyklax • • •I Cast Fist
in reply to compostgoblin • • •Jerkface (any/all)
in reply to I Cast Fist • • •Madbrad200
in reply to compostgoblin • • •PieMePlenty
in reply to Madbrad200 • • •DontMakeMoreBabies
in reply to compostgoblin • • •drunkpostdisaster
in reply to DontMakeMoreBabies • • •explodicle
in reply to drunkpostdisaster • • •drunkpostdisaster
in reply to explodicle • • •slumlordthanatos
in reply to compostgoblin • • •I own guns. I love my guns. But I'm not weird about it, I'm all about responsible gun ownership, I don't have an entire armory, and I ESPECIALLY don't open carry.
Ammosexuals give the rest of gun enthusiasts a very bad name.
in reply to slumlordthanatos • • •Guns get treated like fashion accessories and articles of declared personal identity. They’re equally treated with disregard like a pair of earrings you throw in the cupholder of the car or leave on the kitchen counter at home.
A radical change from when I was a kid 40 years ago. Gun nuts were nuts and viewed as such. Look at action movies from the ‘80s. If someone had a shitload of guns he was usually crazy.
in reply to compostgoblin • • •stickly
in reply to JackbyDev • • •Valmond
in reply to stickly • • •"The" civil war? Found the american 😋
Edit: my bad!
in reply to compostgoblin • • •Korhaka
in reply to bricklove • • •What if they said WW1?
Outside of modern history I think my interest is more into technology and way of living than about governments and cultures though. Like what tools did they use, what did they eat, what sort of alcohol did they drink. How did they make it, can I have a recipe.
in reply to Korhaka • • •𝓔𝓶𝓶𝓲𝓮
in reply to compostgoblin • • •Old school games enjoyer:
“Games used to be awesome… modern games are garbage”
Morrowind is better than Skyrim
I particularly enjoy the telvanni lore
in reply to 𝓔𝓶𝓶𝓲𝓮 • • •𝓔𝓶𝓶𝓲𝓮
in reply to DrDominate • • •mke
in reply to compostgoblin • • •Does programming count as a hobby? I waste my free time on it... There's this funny stereotype, of a queer programmer with long, quirky socks, and maybe even a fursona. Despite being a small percentage, such types are often overrepresented online. It used to bother me a little.
Nowadays I'm so, so glad when someone I'm talking to is part of that group. It usually means I don't need to worry about them being weirdly sexist, like women don't suffer enough in STEM already, or insisting that we need to keep politics out of tech (i.e. they want their politics to rule, unquestioned).
(Need something more tangible? Look no further than uncle bob (skip to the bottom). I've seen his books in classrooms, in the office, and let's not speak of online mentions. Imagine how many respect him, yet have no idea how screwed up he is.)
Silly feelings on my part? Perhaps. One less thing to worry about, though.
Xenia, the Linux mascot